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About Our Art
About Our Art

Maxwell's Art Works was created simply because I enjoy drawing/painting.  In 2022, I started with Watercolor art and in 2024 I moved to Digital art. I drew Plants, Wildlife and Domestic Animals and focused mainly on Dogs. People in the Dog-Show world have sent their photos for me, to own myself, just to draw their animals.  Once I started doing this, the people wanted their and other images to own. 

Well, I wanted only the best printing for my art and found Giclee Printing with Watercolor Paper (textured) was the best format. In my discoveries, I was fortunate to find an excellent and very helpful Printing Company.  They have guided me all the way through this process including recommendations on how much to sell my prints for.  

Around October 2024 I started investigating the use of functional art.  Now, my prints will be turned into Tumblers and Coasters. This has been so much fun!
I have a wonderful Tumbler/Coaster Man, and he bends over backwards to help me out.  

I have been so lucky to find such wonderful businesses and people in the ART field.

I want to thank all my business and personal friends, dog show people, and family for encouraging me with this adventure. 

In learning everything "BUSINESS," I decided to sell; but, for what price?

For the Prints we offer various sizes and variations of prints. The bare bones print is the first Unlimited print listed in my shopping cart.  It is the best print to purchase.  I do not make much but I must cover my costs.

Our Prints
For me to make a little money, it was suggested to offer:
* 5-Artist Prints ($20.00 extra over the bare bones Unlimited Print)
* 100-Signed and numbered Prints ($10.00 over the bare bones Unlimited Print). 

Our Tumblers and Coasters
Our Tumblers and Coasters are near the price I pay to make available to you.

Shipping Fees
Most people include a flat shipping fee within their prices. 
This drives the sell price upward, thus the purchasers pays more taxes, and finally, the purchaser may be paying for a  shipping fee that covers shipping for items shipped way across the continent from where they live. 
Thus, the shipping fee is paid by our Purchaser.

The Purchasers always pay their own taxes because it is relative to where they live.

Our Prices reflect zero taxes and shipping fees.  These prices will be added during your payment process.

Anyway, we try our best to provide art for our Purchasers and reasonable prices.  
Please, take a look on our Maxwell's Art Works Shopping Cart. 
We hope you enjoy our art.  

Thank you,
Artist, Debra Maxwell
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